Gongshan He (贺巩山)

Ph.D. Candidate
Affiliation Parallel Processing Institute, School of Computer Science, Fudan University
Email gshe21@m.fudan.edu.cn
Publication Google Scholar and DBLP
GitHub https://github.com/hegongshan (Total Stars Earned ≥ 480)
Programming Language C/C++, Java, Python, and Shell

Research Interests

My research interests are distributed storage, especially storage for AI during my Ph.D., and recommender systems during my Masters.

Education Experiences

  1. 2021.09 - Now, Ph.D. Candidate in Electronic Information, School of Computer Science, Fudan University
  2. 2018.09 - 2021.06, Master of Engineering in Software Engineering, School of Computer Science, Wuhan University
  3. 2013.09 - 2017.06, Bachelor of Management Science, School of Information Management, Central China Normal University


(*Equal Contribution, Corresponding Author)
  1. A Survey of Data Storage Technologies for Deep Learning (in Chinese "面向深度学习的数据存储技术综述"). Chinese Journal of Computers (CCF A类中文期刊) [PDF]

    Gongshan He, Chuanlei Zhao, Jinhu Jiang, Weihua Zhang, Zuoning Chen

  2. Dual-embedding based Neural Collaborative Filtering for Recommender Systems. arXiv preprint arXiv: 2102.02549, 2021. [PDF]

    Gongshan He, Dongxing Zhao, Lixin Ding


  1. A Recommendation Method and System Based on Deep Collaborative Filtering (in chinese "一种基于深度协同过滤的推荐方法及系统"), Application Number: CN202110118394.0, 2023.04.09.

    Dongxing Zhao, Lixin Ding, Gongshan He

  2. A Recommendation Method Based on Neural Collaborative Filtering (in chinese "一种基于神经协同过滤的推荐方法"), Application Number: CN202110164253.2, 2022.04.15.

    Gongshan He, Lixin Ding, Dongxing Zhao

Software Copyrights

  1. Academic Paper Bulk Downloader for Open Access Venues (in chinese "面向开放获取刊物的学术论文批量下载软件", APBDOAV软件), Registration Number: TBD, TBD. [Code]

    Gongshan He, Zhihai He

  2. Academic Paper Retrieval System for the CCF Recommendation List (in chinese "面向CCF推荐目录的学术论文检索系统", APRSCRL系统), Registration Number: 2024SR1984164, 2024-12-04. [Website] [Code]

    Gongshan He, Zhihai He

  3. "Leyu" Course Teaching System (in chinese "乐渔"课程教学系统), Registration Number: 2018SR850259, 2018-10-24. [Website]

    Weiping Zhu, Gongshan He, Yaohang Yang, Xiaolei Peng, Yangqing Fang


  1. Second-class Academic Scholarship, Fudan University, 2021.10
  2. Outstanding Master Graduate, Wuhan University, 2021.06
  3. Excellent Graduate Student, Wuhan University, 2020.12
  4. Excellent Student Cadre, Wuhan University, 2020.06
  5. Excellent Graduate Student, Wuhan University, 2019.12
  6. Second-class Academic Scholarship, Wuhan University, 2019.11


  1. China Qualification of Computer and Software Professional
    1. Electronic Commerce Engineer, 2024.05
    2. Software Testing Engineer, 2019.11
    3. Database System Engineer, 2017.05
    4. Software Design Engineer, 2016.05
  2. Coursera
    1. Introduction to Parallel Programming with CUDA, Johns Hopkins University, 2025.02.20
    2. Introduction to Concurrent Programming with GPUs, Johns Hopkins University, 2025.01.16
    3. The Fundamentals of RDMA Programming, NVIDIA, 2025.01.08